
What Are Health & Safety Guidelines to Preserve Fresh Meat?

Preserving food items is a daunting task. The one big concern of today’s world is to stop food wastage. Food items are fragile and require extra care while handling and storing. Any error or ignorance from your end can contaminate the food items. Out of all the food items, we need extra care for storing and handling the meat. There is no doubt that you can preserve the meat for days, weeks, and even months but with the appropriate guidelines. Meat is an expensive item that you cannot let go to waste. It is crucial to consider the tactics to handle the fresh meat to keep it safe.

Many people buy food items in bulk because of their tight schedules. They do not have enough time to visit the supermarket daily. Buying the meat in large quantities will require you to store it appropriately. Keeping the fresh meat in the interlevin rk1420 is not enough. You also need to take care of other safety measures. Frozen meat is easy to store, but the trouble starts with preserving the fresh meat. You can keep the fresh meat in the freezer in a separate container to secure it. But for fresh meat, you need to clean it first and then make arrangements for its storage.

There are different ways of storing meat. The one common thing is that you need an appliance to save the fresh meat. Having a quality fridge and freezer is a must-have for storage. You need such an appliance that will keep the temperature stable for storage. Temperature plays an essential role in meat storage. Not keeping the fresh meat at the required temperature will make it go rotten. You can read the below guidelines to help you store the fresh meat.

1. Preparing the meat:

The first step in fresh meat storage is preparing the meat. You cannot keep the raw meat in the appliance right after buying it. First, you need to wash the raw meat. You need to take the fresh meat out and run it under fresh water. You also need to remove any dirt on the fresh meat. You can also remove the extra bones. This step will help you manage the space in the appliance.

2. Prevent cross-contamination:

The one thing you need to take care of is cross-contamination. Make sure the utensils or tools you are using are clean. You can transfer the bacteria if you are using used and dirty tools. You have to ensure that the area is clean and freshly washed. Other than that, make sure the box and packaging are clean of viruses and other bacteria.

3. Make sections for storage:

The next step is to make sections for storing the fresh meat. Know that you cannot defrost and again frost the fresh meat. Frosting the frozen meat after defrosting will not let you maintain the quality. It is the main reason you need to make a section of the fresh meat that you will use. Keeping the raw meat in separate packaging will also help you defrost the meat you need.

4. Store in appropriate packaging:

The packaging and container matter the most when it comes to meat storage. Know that air and moisture can damage the quality of meat. You require airtight containers for storing the fresh meat. The airtight boxes will ensure that no air or dampness can enter. In addition to the containers, you can also use sealed Ziploc bags. The benefit of Ziploc bags is that they take less space in the fridge or freezer. So, if you have a storage space problem, you need to opt for sealed Ziploc bags.

5. Selection of the appliance:

The selection of the appliance will depend upon the storage time. You need to use the fridge if you need to store the meat for three to four days. It will remain good in the refrigerator for four days. You have to opt for the freezer if the storage time is more than four days.


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Written by Hania Jamshed

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