
Everything You Need to About Freezing Pizza Dough at Home

If you eat pizza too often, then you must have extra dough always available. The second possibility could be that you own a pizza shop or a restaurant that requires a lot of dough. Having so much dough leads to storage problems. Know that dough is not the same as other food. That is what confuses most of us. Making some extra dough batches can also save a lot of time. That is why many restaurants use this method. Know that you should never use the old dough since the freshness and quality matter. But freezing the dough does not affect the quality and flavor of the dough if you use it for domestic use. Hence, storing the dough can be a beneficial method for making pizza at home. All you need for making pizza at home is a cheap gas conveyor pizza oven, and you are good to go. Below we have mentioned a guideline to freeze pizza dough.

1. Temperature:

The first thing you have to make sure of is the temperature. Temperature plays a vital role in storage. Know that your food will spoil if it is not at the right temperature. Check if the dough is at room temperature. If your dough is at room temperature, it is ready for further process. If the dough is warm or hot, let it sit on the shelf for hours. Wait until the dough attains room temperature. Your dough does not need to wait if it is cold. Know that only high temperature affects the storage process. Let the dough sit for half an hour if it is too hot. When it becomes warm, you should put it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

2. Divide into Sections:

Now that the dough is at room temperature, it is time to move to the next step. In this step, you have to divide the dough into sections. The size of each division depends on the pizza. Make sure you decide the size of pizza you will cook. Take a scale and divide the dough. Make sure you sprinkle some flour on the top of the knife before cutting. It will prevent the dough from sticking to the metal knives. You have to consider the length, width, and mass of the dough when cutting. You can google how much a particular-sized pizza dough will weigh.

3. Choose a Container:

It is time to choose the appropriate container. We all know that airtight containers are the best when storing any food. There are several reasons behind it. An airtight container does not let air and moisture inside that prevent it from spoiling. It also does not permit bacteria to grow and enter. You can use an airtight plastic box or Ziploc bag. Both containers are best for freezing dough. If you don’t have any of those containers, you can use Tupperware. Now put parchment paper in the container. It will prevent the dough from sticking. If you don’t have parchment paper, you can sprinkle flour inside the container. Another method is to grease the surface. Put the dough in the freezer. Your dough will stay fresh for up to three months.


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Written by Alexandra Clark

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