
Coronavirus & it's Symptoms

What is Corona Virus?

Corona Virus(COV) belongs to a family of Virus, whose infection can range from colds to breathing problems. This Virus has never been seen before. The infection of this Virus began in December in Wuhan, China. According to WHO, its symptoms are fever, cough, and shortness of breath. So far, there is no vaccine to stop the virus from spreading.

What are the symptoms of this disease?

Due to its infection, problems like fever, cold, shortness of breath, runny nose and sore throat arise. This Virus spreads from one person to another. Therefore, great care is being taken about it. This Virus came first in December in China. It is expected to reach other countries.

What are the preventive measures?

The Health Ministry has issued guidelines to prevent Corona Virus. According to them, the hands should be washed with Soap. Alcohol-based Hand Rub can also be used. Keep your nose and mouth covered with handkerchiefs or Tissue Papers while coughing and peeling. Keep distance from those who have symptoms of Cold and Flue. Avoid intake of eggs and mutton. Avoid exposure to wild animals.


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Written by Nutan Paik

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