
8 Beauty Benefits of Baking Soda

You don’t need to be a medium to know that almost everybody has baking soda in the pantry for baking and perhaps a box in the refrigerator to consume odors. But do you know that this $1 product can be used as a budget DIY option that can outperform numerous fancy spa procedures? Here is a list of eight solutions for smooth hair, bright skin, white teeth, and more.

1. Facial scrub

Do you like the deep feeling of pureness that you experience using an exfoliating facial scrub with microbeads? Such products can make a miracle with your skin, but they also affect our environment. These plastic microbeads glide through the filtration system and get into oceans, creating a risk to fish and poison wildlife. The eco-friendly alternative is a facial scrub from baking soda. Take three parts of baking soda, add one part of water and mix it.  Apply it on the face with soft movements and wash it away with warm water.

2. Hair purifier

If you have a feeling that hair products accumulate in your hair and lead to its stickiness, backing soda can actually become a lifesaver. Add one part of baking soda into four parts of regular shampoo and wash your hair as usual. Your hair will be shiny and more manageable after this.

3. Deodorant

You can replace the ordinary deodorant you bought at the store with baking soda powder, especially if you have sensitive skin. Baking soda eliminates the body’s odors because of its ability to neutralize bases and acids. One more advantage is that this method won’t leave spots on your clothes like many antiperspirants do.

4. DIY dry shampoo

Dry shampoo is a perfect option when we don’t have enough time or simply want to refresh our hair. If you don’t have it on hand but a gorgeous look is needed now, sprinkle a little amount of baking soda on the roots, spread it on your hair, and then brush it. 

5. Body peeling

Your skin may look dark and gray if you do not exfoliate dead cells from it. Peeling helps to speed up skin renovation and makes it shiny. But you don’t need to perform complex procedures or buy an overpriced scrub. You can make a body scrub just like the face scrub by mixing three parts of baking soda with one part of water.

6. Tooth whitener

If you don’t want to use home whitening kits because of the large number of chemicals in them, backing soda is a good alternative. Take some baking soda, dip a wet toothbrush into it, and brush your teeth for a minute. You will be surprised by the results of this teeth whitening method. But don’t use it instead of toothpaste because the fluoride in it helps to prevent tooth decay.

7. Nail scrub

The cutting of cuticles after pushing them back can lead to infections. You can use the same face scrub to exfoliate dead cells. Put a little amount of scrub in your fingers, swipe in circular movements and wash with warm water. 

8. Comb Cleaner

Look at your comb and you may be completely amazed by what you observe on the bristles. Instead of throwing it directly into the bin, remove dirt by immersing the comb in a bowl with warm water and 1 teaspoon of baking soda for 20 minutes. Rinse and then leave it to dry on a towel.


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Written by Amelia Grant

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