
‘Strictly Come Dancing’ TOTALLY ignores Seann and Katya kissing scandal

Ben Arnold
Yahoo Celebrity UK13 October 2018
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Seann Walsh and Katya Jones on Strictly (Credit: BBC)
Good lord, they made us wait for that.

Seann Walsh and Katya Jones, the couple who have been resident in the red tops all week thanks to being caught snogging after a night out at the pub, were the second to last to perform on Strictly this week.

The anticipation was palpable.

not long now until we get to boo at seann and katya, highlight of my evening! #strictly #scd

18:27 – 13 Oct 2018
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OctJoeber 👻🍂🧛🏻‍♂️🎃
People who don’t usually watch #Strictly tuning in this week just for the Seann/Katya drama.

18:42 – 13 Oct 2018
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Scottish Girl In Yorkshire
Everyone watching Seann and Katya on #strictly tonight like

18:48 – 13 Oct 2018
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Rick Lopez
Just wondering what Seann and Katya’s VT of what they got up to during the week will be 😕 #Strictly #danceofshane

17:13 – 13 Oct 2018
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Sally Ann Matthews

Blah, blah, blah let’s just get to Seann and Katya’s week in training x #Strictly

18:47 – 13 Oct 2018
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Tess and Claudia broached the scandal briefly early on, with a horrible, horrible joke.

“It’s been a quiet week,” said Claudia. “Other than the odd headline,” quipped Tess. It fell flatter than Joe Sugg’s feet in his cha cha cha (Craig’s words, not ours).

But HOW was the Beeb to explain the turbulent, tumultuous week they’ve had? Not at all, it seems.

Nothing to see here.

The week’s training session VT was notably absent of being doorstepped by paparazzi, and the contrite appearance on spin-off show Strictly: It Takes Two that many likened to a hostage video.

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(Credit: BBC)
To recap for those living in a cave (or at least a cave without access to decent fibre broadband), Seann and Katya were snapped kissing after a boozy night out.

This became news for a number of reasons, but key among them was Seann’s five-year relationship with actress Rebecca Humphries – the night of the snog was her BIRTHDAY, just to add insult to injury – and Katya being married to her husband. Neil Jones. Who’s also on Strictly.

The Joneses seemed kind of fine with the whole thing, but Seann found himself unceremoniously dumped.

“It’s been an amazing week,” said Katya during the training montage.

Her husband Neil might not have agreed. He had a face like thunder, and Twitter reacted accordingly.

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Gill Alexander

Mr Katya at the back there, dressed in black and looking murderous. #strictly

20:25 – 13 Oct 2018
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Elliot Wagland

Did you enjoy Sean(n) and Katya’s Charleston? #Strictly

20:25 – 13 Oct 2018
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Luke Robinson
Neil with a face like thunder in the back…. if looks could kill #strictly

20:41 – 13 Oct 2018
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People also loved the ‘Charleston expert’ drafted in to ‘help them’ out this week.

Simon Gould
More like they had a charleston expert with them to stop them erupting into spontaneous sexual intercourse at every turn #strictly2018 #StrictlyComeDancing

20:19 – 13 Oct 2018
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Rachel Charlton-Dailey

Literally never heard of this charleston expert in the history of #scd #strictly

20:31 – 13 Oct 2018
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👑The Princess and the Pea 🇪🇺
“Like all couples dancing the Charleston, Seann and Katya get coaching from a Charleston expert”.

Translation: We want to make sure they’re not alone in the studio. #Strictly

20:21 – 13 Oct 2018
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And though their dance looked pretty clunky to the layman viewer, the judges were remarkably lenient. They even got an eight.

This basically sums things up. Thanks AJ.

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Gaby Morris
AJ’s face sums up how I feel watching Seann and Katya 😂 #Strictly

20:27 – 13 Oct 2018
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And this slip up in the subtitles department was a peach.

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Well played, BBC subtitler. Well played… #seannwalsh #KatyaJones #StrictlyComeDancing #strictly

20:27 – 13 Oct 2018
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What this means for the results show tomorrow, we don’t know yet.

The bookies have Seann and Katya as favourites to be voted off, but as yet that remains to be seen.

Read more
Strictly stars weigh in on Seann and Katya scandal
Seann Walsh admits ‘difficult week’
Strictly’s Anton has no sympathy for Seann and Katya

Source: Yahoo News

Photo Credit: BBC via Yahoo


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Written by Olux O

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