
Why your Website Needs to be Mobile-Responsive

Google has announced its update regarding how it ranks websites on the search engine result pages. The update is ‘’Mobilegedon’’ which mainly target website that is not mobile-friendly. If your website or eCommerce store isn’t ready then this could potentially create a big impact on your traffic.

Google has said that this update will have a huge impact on search results, even more, than Panda or Penguin update.

Having a responsive website is an effective way to rank better on search engines. Consult with a Custom Scottsdale Web Design company for its more benefits in today’s digital age.

We have gathered some reasons below to know why your company needs one.

1. Users are using mobile phones

The first reason you need a mobile-friendly website is that your customers are browsing the internet on smartphones. 56% of all web traffic is done on mobile devices.

More than half of your customers are browsing your website from their smartphones. What kind of user experience are you giving them?

2. Be competitive

If having a responsive website in 2020 isn’t a top priority for you, beware, your top competitors have already designed their site mobile friendly.

3. Amplify your visibility

Another good reason for having a mobile-friendly site is that you can reach a wider group of audience. Responsive websites of the businesses make online sharing simple and so your website visitors are more likely to share on their social media channels.

Moreover, mobile-friendliness is a ranking signal to Google. This means you may appear top in search results.

So, why wouldn’t you want to take that opportunity? You will get more organic search results, the more leads, and conversions.

4. Keep them engage

According to experts, people now have a short span of attention than goldfish. If your website loads quickly, you can’t afford to have a site that takes a longer time to load. Your web users will leave your page in a heartbeat.

So, in order to avoid losing a large chunk of potential customers, ask your Web Design Scottsdale Az company to make a responsive website.

5. Customers can contact you easily

Make it convenient for customers to reach you. Having a mobile-friendly site means your contact information like email address, mobile number, and location are easy to find and clickable.

All your customers have to click and the phone will start calling you. This is better for your customers as well for your company because it will likely lead to a sale. For professional help, you can hire a Web Designer in Scottsdale who is highly experienced.

Final Thoughts!

We hope these reasons have convinced you why you need a responsive website in this era. Nowadays, Web Designer Scottsdale will recommend you to make it a top priority.


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Written by dunnyusra

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