
5 Unhealthy Habits You Need to Avoid

There are many unhealthy habits that can increase your risk of serious health problems. While some of them are well-known, others you can make daily without even realizing it. To eliminate these mistakes from your routine, you need to know them. By avoiding these mistakes you can ensure a better quality of your health and life.

Keep reading to discover the 5 unhealthiest habits that most people make.

1. You neglect sunscreen

There are about 9,500 people diagnosed with skin cancer every day in the United States. Every year this condition becomes more widespread. The easiest way to prevent skin cancer is to protect your skin. You need to cover your skin from the sun, use sunscreen, and avoid tanning beds. If you notice on the skin a mole that changes in color, size, or bleeds you need to visit a dermatologist to exclude the risk of cancer. 

To protect your skin against cancer-causing sun rays you need to use sunscreen that’s at least 15 SPF. It is also important to protect your skin even in cloudy weather and in winter to decrease the risk of skin damage. 

2. You don’t know your cholesterol levels

To promote healthy cholesterol levels in the blood it is important to practice good habits like a healthy diet and regular exercise. However, there are other things that can be beyond your control. Processes like aging or genetics can make you affect your cholesterol levels. When you become older, your body starts producing more artery-clogging stuff. 

It is recommended to check cholesterol levels every five years. After the age of 50, you may need to check it frequently. To maintain cholesterol at healthy levels you need to reduce your intake of saturated fats, eat more fresh vegetables, exercise regularly, and maintain a healthy weight. 

3. You have a sedentary lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle is a major risk factor for many health problems. About 90% of Americans don’t get the recommended 30 minutes of exercise each day. People who have sedentary work have a bigger risk of heart problems, obesity, diabetes, and high cholesterol levels. 

By sitting all day you become more prone to low extremities issues like varicose veins. If you suspect you have this problem, you need to visit a leading varicose vein specialist. If lest this condition untreated you run the risk of serious complications like infections, bleeding, sores, and blood clots. If your leg is already swollen, the consequences can be more severe.

4. You don’t know your blood pressure

Monitoring and keeping your blood pressure in the normal range is one of the best things you can do for your health. Hypertension(high blood pressure) can weaken the walls of your blood vessels. This makes you more susceptible to stroke, heart attack, and dementia. 

Low blood pressure can deprive your body of enough oxygen. This can contribute to dizziness, weakness, fainting, lack of concentration, and blurred vision. In severe cases, low blood pressure can lead to damage to your heart and brain.

5. You eat too much salt

Most people think that fat and sugar are the worst culprits of a healthy diet. But salt is another thing that can take a toll on your overall wellbeing. The recommended daily amount of salt is 2,300mg, while most Americans consume more than 3,400mg. High intake of salt can make you susceptible to health problems like high blood pressure, heart diseases, osteoporosis, stomach cancer, and kidney disease. 

If you want to ensure better health, don’t add salt to your dishes and limit your intake of processed foods. You can replace salt with spices, herbs, vinegar, or lemon juice. 

You need to make your health a priority. It is crucial to avoid these mistakes and make healthy choices. It can be hard for you to stop making these mistakes, but this will increase the quality of your life and ensure better health.


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Written by Amelia Grant

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