
5 Smart Tips to Use for Serving Fish and Chips at Restaurant

Fish and chips shop is a popular business in Britain. There is something special about this traditional British food. You can find many fish and chips shops at every corner in Britain. The iconic dish consists of fried fish with potato wedges fries. Know that there is a traditional way of cooking this dish which consists of multiple steps. This food is also known as British comfort food. According to history, food first appeared in the 1860s. That is why this dish has so much cultural importance. If you run a fish and chips shop, you would also know how crucial it is to make this dish the right way. The recipe for fish and chips is the same. Fry the chips and fish and place them on fish serve over counter. The main problem is the way you provide the food. The practice you follow to present food can make much difference. That is why we have mentioned five tips to serve fish and chips.

1. Choose the Right Container

Know that your container has an impact on your serving. You have to opt for the appropriate container. There is a wide range of containers for serving chips and fish. The most common is none other than square boxes. You can choose between plastic, paper, and polystyrene. The next option we have is a big cup or a mug. You can find these at any shop. Many restaurants use these containers to serve nuggets. Another option for you is a paper cone. All you need to do is take a piece of paper and make a cone. Then throw the fish and chips in it.

2. Side Dishes Matter:

Most people ignore choosing the best side dish, and many people don’t even offer side dishes with fish and chips. Know that fish and chips are never complete without an appropriate side dish.

  • Mushy peas are the best thing to serve with fish and chips. They have a sweet and salty flavor that goes well with the dish.
  • Pickled onions do wonders to your dish. It adds acidity and crunchy texture to this food.
  • Saveloys make your fish and chips taste better. The red sausages are a must-have with your regular fish and chips order.

3. Train Your Employees:

Know that customer service matters when it comes to serving any food. Make sure you train your employees. When you have to hire an employee, the first job should be their training. You need to coach them for at least two weeks. Teach them restaurant ethics and how to deal with customers. Your employees must never make your customers wait. It can have negative impacts on your overall service.

4. Hygiene:

Hygiene is a legal right of every customer. Your tables, chairs, and environment must be clean. Make sure you wash and dry your utensils every day. Your spoons, forks, and plates must be sparkling.

5. Sauce Options:

Serving fish and chips without sauce is no less than a crime. The best sauce for your fish and chips could be mint sauce. You can also use any particular fish and chips sauce. Another option is the tartare sauce.


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Written by Alexandra Clark

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