The health care routine has completely changed in the realities of the coronavirus world. Doctors work remotely and cancel scheduled appointments because of the deadly virus. But it’s impossible to cancel or postpone health problems even if a pandemic is in full swing. Depending on the condition you may need personal care at the doctor’s office. It’s important for you to determine if you need urgent care or a remote appointment will be enough to address your disease.
Below are 4 most urgent health problems that cannot wait until the pandemic is over. If you experience one of these health conditions, visit a doctor ASAP to prevent serious health consequences.
1. Swelling in one leg
The swelling of just one leg isn’t considered normal, even if it isn’t accompanied by pain. This is a common symptom of deep vein thrombosis or blood clot. Other symptoms of these conditions can include leg cramping, skin warmth in the affected area, redness, and swollen veins. If you notice that one leg is extremely swollen, you need to contact your doctor ASAP.
The doctor can assess you via phone your symptoms, but to get an official diagnosis you need an ultrasound of your leg veins. If along with one leg swelling you experience shortness of breath, you need to get emergency medical attention. These two symptoms together can be a sign of pulmonary embolism. If left untreated, this condition can be fatal.
2. Sudden shortness of breath
Sudden shortness of breath can be a sign of certain potentially life-threatening health conditions. This is a common sign of problems with your lung or heart. Shortness of breath can develop while simple activities like walking. It can make it hard for you to speak when usually that’s no problem. Along with shortness of breath, you can experience dizziness or nausea, chest tightness, and cough.
Another cause of shortness of breath nowadays is a COVID-19. For this reason, if you experience sudden shortness of breath, contact your doctor immediately. The timely treatment can save your life.
3. Stroke symptoms
You need to seek emergency medical attention if you have any stroke symptoms. While all symptoms range from person to person, the most common include sudden confusion, difficulty with speech, facial droop, and numbness or weakness on one side of the body. It is important to don’t ignore these symptoms. In the case of stroke, getting to the hospital within the first few hours can be life-saving.
4. Dental emergency
During a pandemic, most dentists see only those patients who have dental emergencies. It can be hard to determine the dental issues and prescribe a treatment via phone. There are six main cases that require visiting the dentist’s office. They include swelling, severe bleeding, pain, and injury from an accident. A dental issue in a person with a severe underlying disease like active chemotherapy, uncontrolled diabetes, or similar also requires immediate dental help.
If you have severe dental implants pain, difficulty chewing, or loosening of an implant it is also worth visiting your dentist to address the risk of serious complications. If left these issues untreated, you may need another dental implant surgery. If you experience something else, try to contact your dentist via phone to see if your concern warrants a visit to the dentist’s office.
The bottom line
It can be scary to visit public places like hospitals during a pandemic but if left untreated certain conditions can cause more health problems than coronavirus. If you suspect you have one of the health problems mentioned above, make an appointment with your doctor. This can help you address serious health issues. In the hospital use a face mask, gloves, and sanitizer to protect yourself.
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