
The Most Common Types of Plastic Surgery for Men

Plastic surgery is increasingly in demand by men. In 2016, more than 1 million surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures were performed for men, which is more than 9% of the total amount. Today, men also want to change what they don’t like to see in the mirror. Statistics show that plastic surgery is becoming more popular among men as a way to cope with flaws in appearance. In this article, we will tell you about the most common types of plastic surgery for men. 

The most popular surgical procedures for men include:

  • Liposuction 
  • Male breast reduction 
  • Eyelid surgery
  • Nose surgery
  • Facelift
  • Ear surgery 

Other types of plastic surgery men aspire to include tummy tuck, neck lift, fat transfer to the face, eyebrow lift and chin augmentation. Each of these procedures is performed more ten 2,000 times a year.

Statistics about male plastic surgery procedures

Gynecomastia is one of the most common causes of breast enlargement in men. Male breast reduction increased by 181% over 20 years, including the big leap from 2014 to 2016. Cosmetic surgery procedures for men have grown by more than 40% since 2010. However, men still perform less plastic surgeries than women. Today, men perform approximately 9% of both surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures.

The categories in which men have the highest percentage by gender account for 37% of all removed tattoos, 29% of ear surgery, 23% of chin augmentation, 21% of neck lifts and 18% of rhinoplasty procedures.

Body improvement for men

Currently, photorejuvenation became more popular as a non-surgical procedure for men. Moreover, some other popular procedures such as laser hair removal and Botox remained popular. Plastic surgery gives quick results but it has certain disadvantages like the cost of the procedure and danger associated with elective surgery. There is also the concept of falseness (when something is not real or doesn’t work at all). In many cases, people unrealistically expect that a cosmetic procedure will improve and repair the problems that they may have.

Costs of male cosmetic procedures

Costs of the plastic surgery vary depending on the type of cosmetic procedure you undergo, fees charged by members of the surgical team, and facilities used. You may find advantageous offers, but remember that you should have only a qualified cosmetic surgeon that is working in good medical facilities.

Possible complications of plastic surgery

Elective cosmetic surgery, like any surgical procedure, has its risks and advantages. When the person undergoes anesthesia and sedation, there is a risk of abnormal heart rhythm, heart attack, and even stroke. Moreover, infection, skin necrosis, asymmetry, numbness, bumps, wrinkles, scars, and fluid collection after liposuction may be the result of the procedure itself. It is also dangerous to visit unlicensed and untrained doctors offering anesthesia and surgery because there could be poor regulation in the field and unsanitary areas can sometimes be used during surgery.

Understanding the risks of plastic surgery

If you decide to have cosmetic surgery, it is important to perform a little research. First of all, it is recommended to find a doctor who has the appropriate qualifications, training, and specialization, and who performs the surgery in a hospital or clinic. You can also consider the following recommendations:

  • Be realistic about the outcome of the operation
  • Make sure that you understand all the risks
  • Give up smoking and drinking alcohol before surgery to recover as fast as possible
  • Try to maintain a healthy lifestyle

It is also recommended to seek advice if you are taking medications, have excess weight, have persistent health issues or diseases. It may happen that you are not healthy enough and the risks are too great for you to undergo plastic surgery.


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Written by Amelia Grant

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