A proper diet is not just good for your gastrointestinal tract. It affects your entire body, metabolism and many other processes. You may notice that you feel different when something in your diet changes due to life circumstances.
If you have any health issues, you should be even more careful about what you eat. Some foods can aggravate your problems, others can make you feel better. This may sound weird but certain foods can even relieve pain and inflammation in your body, or processes affect it like hormonal metabolism.
Foods to Eat for Chronic Back Pain
Chronic back pain is a very common problem today. People spend a lot of time sitting and have a big lack of movement in their lives. However, a job that requires standing all day is also bad for our spines. Unfortunately, we can’t always choose a job with the consideration of our spinal health, but what we can choose is what we eat.
Food can hardly be called a chronic back pain treatment but it can certainly relieve the discomfort this condition brings. Include the following products to reduce pain, inflammation and to generally feel better.
Olive Oil
Olive oil tastes the best in salads. Fried food isn’t the healthiest but if you fry something it’s better to use olive oil. It is good for our body in many ways including its ability to relieve pain and relax tense muscles.
Fish contains phosphor, protein, and Omega-3 fatty acids. These important nutrients relieve stress and restore your muscles after strain. Fatty acids are also contained in flaxseeds and walnuts. These products should always be present in your daily menu.
Plant-based protein foods
Animal protein is important for our health but so is plant-based protein. It is contained in soy products and beans. It helps restore the fluid balance in your muscles. Its imbalance may be caused by excessive strain, improper position or even stress.
Fruits and vegetables
It’s no secret that fruits and veggies are good for you but how can they help your spine? They are rich in fiber that feeds the good bacteria living in our gut. This provides proper gastrointestinal function, therefore, important nutrients from our food are digested without any problem.
Nuts contain healthy fats and acids. You should add them to your daily menu but be careful with the amount. This product is extremely rich in calories, and the extra weight will create more strain over your problematic spine. So forget about the combination of nuts with sugary products or chocolate, such a combination is bad for your oral health.
Green tea
Green tea is a well-known anti-inflammatory treatment. In addition, it helps restore your energy and relieves stress which is important for people who have chronic illnesses.
Ginger improves blood flow that helps transfer nutrients into your sore spots faster. It boosts the immune system that helps your body resist stress and infection. The best combination for your health is green tea with freshly grated ginger root.
Stay healthy and eat well!
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