
An Easiest Morning Workout Plan for Women’s to start at Home

Most of us cancel our plans for a healthy life because of a complicated schedule. Working daily from 9 to 5 can make us a wimp when it comes to working out. In the morning, all of us want to get plenty of sleep so that we can remain fresh while on the job. The thing we forget is that you can boost your immunity and your energy by working out in the morning. The recent outbreak of our world is making us all paranoid about our health and hygiene. You have to create a healthy schedule to remain fit. The good news is that you can opt for a healthy workout routine, and you do not need to travel to your gym. You can initiate the workout plan within your house. You do not need to invest in any high-quality quality. Make sure that you have workout attire. You can also opt for cheap sportswear for ladies but make sure it is of premium quality. The benefit of suitable clothes is that it provides the compression you need in your exercise. You can practice your workout in the best way by wearing the appropriate outfit. To start your workout journey from the house, you need a set routine of exercises. We are jotting down a workout plan for the enthusiastic people eager to start their day with a healthy workout plan.

The warmup 

The first workout plan is a warmup routine. Know that it is better to wake up your body before you jump onto the high-intensity exercises. With the warmup, you can prepare your body for the workouts. You can prevent the risk of injury by doing the below set of warmups.

Jumping rope:

It is the first set of warmups. Make sure you do at least this exercise for two to three minutes.


In the second exercise, you need to do five reps of each leg.


This exercise demands twenty to twenty-five reps.

Jumping jacks:

Try to do at least twenty reps of this workout.

Hip rotations: Five reps of each leg.

Side leg swings:

  • It is the last exercise of the warmup routine. You have to do ten reps of each leg.
  • You can reduce the reps of each workout in the beginning. Make sure you do not overwhelm yourself.

Glute bridges:

  • After finishing your warmup, the second exercise is of glute bridges. It is the replica of squats for most people that can help you get rid of your back pain.
  • To do this exercise, lay on your back and keep your knees bent. Place your feet flat on the floor.
  • Now, press your feet onto the floor and raise your hips. Raise until your body is in a straight line.
  • Remain in this position for a few seconds, lower to the starting position, and repeat.


  • Plank is a strengthening exercise that can help you develop your posture.
  • Lay down on your elbows and toes.
  • Make sure you keep your body straight.
  • Hold this position for at least 100 seconds.


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Written by Alexandra Clark

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