Stress can become chronic if it’s associated with persistent, insoluble problems that are difficult for a person to solve and which accumulate from year to year. Chronic stress is quite a dangerous condition, since it may provoke a lot of health problems and negatively affect the quality of life. There are several signs that appear when chronic stress has gone too far and it’s too dangerous to ignore them especially if you have more than two of the symptoms described below.
1. Regular Headaches
Regular headaches may have a lot of causes such as osteochondrosis, an improper position during sleep, low or high blood pressure, sinusitis or even pregnancy. But most often the cause of regular headaches is constant emotional stress that you experience at work or at home. Some pills may help relieve the headache but if you don’t get rid of emotional stress, the headaches will come back again.
2. Acne
Stress enhances the inflammatory processes in the body including skin and may provoke acne. You may relieve skin inflammation with lotions, which consist of salicylic acid or antibacterial benzyl saw peroxide.
3. Digestive Problems
There is scientific evidence that stress negatively affects digestion. You experience stomachache, heartburn or dizziness. Sometimes, medications don’t help relieve stomachache. In this case, you may visit a psychologist. The doctor will determine what is the reason for your stress and how to eliminate it.
4. Dental Problems
Constant stress may provoke bruxism. This condition usually occurs at night and may lead to tooth cracks and enamel damage. If you notice that your teeth hurt but you don’t have cavities or you always feel jaw pain, it may indicate bruxism.
Chronic stress also increases the risk of periodontal disease. Cortisol (stress hormone) rises and suppresses the immune system which allows bacteria to multiply intensely. Watch your teeth if you’re always stressed.
5. Hair Loss
Scientists have concluded that stress can provoke complete or partial baldness. And if you have been observing for a long time that your hair is thinning and there is no effect from vitamins and special shampoos, it may be caused by chronic stress.
6. Heart Problems
Stress negatively affects heart health. Scientists have proven that chronic stress is one of the most common risk factors for cardiovascular disease. But circumstances such as a heavy load at work or, conversely, lack of work, life in poverty, quarrels, only exacerbate the situation.
7. Weight Change
Chronic stress provokes constant cortisol production. It stimulates lipid and carbohydrate metabolism and maintains blood sugar levels. If there is an excess of this hormone, a person will eat more, the body will produce less testosterone and will burn fewer calories. This provokes weight gain.
Sometimes people may lose some weight from stress. This is due to increased adrenaline production which speeds up the metabolism but reduces the rate of exchange of fatty acids.
8. Pains During Menstruation
Women with chronic stress are 2 times more likely to suffer from painful menstruation. This is due to the hormonal imbalance provoked by stress. Physical activity and good rest will help reduce cramps and pain during menstruation.
To eliminate stress, you first need to understand its root causes. Physical activity, meditation, and communication with relatives and friends will help you relieve stress and improve your health.
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