
8 Oral Health Facts You Should Be Aware Of

Many people want to have healthy teeth and gums and a beautiful smile. However, some of them don’t maintain proper oral hygiene while others don’t visit the dentist on a regular basis. Additionally, there are a lot of factors that can affect the condition of your oral cavity. In this article, we have gathered eight oral health facts you should be aware of.

1. Proper oral hygiene can prevent many oral issues

It is important to understand that regular tooth brushing and flossing are essential for your oral health. If you don’t brush your teeth twice a day, you let dental plaque, food particles, and bacteria linger in your mouth, this can result in tartar accumulation, bad breath, and various oral issues. You should also use dental floss at least once a day to clean the interdental spaces that can be hard to reach with a toothbrush. 

2. Cavities are caused by bacteria

Many people believe that sugar causes cavities. Even though increased consumption of sweets can promote the development of tooth decay, the real cause of cavities is bacteria. The point is that these bacteria that multiply in your oral cavity produce acids that soften and wear out your tooth enamel. This results in a hole in the tooth that progresses and can reach the inner layers of the tooth. That’s why it is extremely important to maintain proper oral hygiene and rinse your mouth after the meal. 

3. Gum disease can cause tooth loss

Gum disease is a condition that occurs when the gums become inflamed. In the initial stage of gum disease called gingivitis, you can have red, bleeding, and swollen gums, bad breath, and gum recession. Without timely and proper treatment, gingivitis can worsen and turn into periodontitis. The most common symptoms of periodontitis include gum bleeding, gum pockets, puss between the teeth, toothache, loose teeth, and tooth loss. 

4. Oral health and general health are connected

The condition of your oral cavity can significantly affect your oral health. For example, if you have missing teeth or other oral issues that interfere with eating, it can result in digestive problems. Additionally, gum disease can contribute to the spread of inflammation throughout the body. People with gum disease are more prone to respiratory infections, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and many other conditions. 

5. Tooth decay is one of the most common conditions

Tooth decay tends to be one of the most common conditions all over the world. The truth is that it can affect both children and adults. However, children and people with a sweet tooth are more likely to develop cavities since bacteria that cause tooth decay are fed on sugar. To prevent the development of tooth decay you need to use fluoride toothpaste, brush and floss your teeth thoroughly, limit the consumption of sweet and acidic foods and drinks, and use mouthwashes. 

6. Tobacco and alcohol increase your risk of gum disease

Smoking and tobacco use are quite harmful habits that can affect your oral health as well. When tobacco by-products accumulate in your mouth, they can mix with dental plaque and irritate your gums. This can lead to gum inflammation. Alcohol consumption can decrease your salivation. As a result, your mouth becomes dry and the bacteria in your mouth get a perfect environment for overgrowth. Both tobacco use and alcohol consumption can lead to bad breath, stained teeth, and gum disease. 

7. Baby teeth in children should be treated

There is a common misconception that there is no need to treat baby teeth since they will fall off sooner or later. But the reality is that tooth decay that destroys baby teeth can also affect the developing permanent teeth. This can result in serious dental problems in the future. Additionally, children can develop gum disease and other conditions that may require timely treatment. You should also know that it is much easier to treat malocclusion and shifted teeth in children since their teeth are more mobile. 

8. Regular dental check-up can help keep your teeth and gums healthy

Many people think that it is worth visiting the dentist’s office only when they have some obvious symptoms. But the reality is that many oral issues can develop asymptomatically in the initial stages. Only a professional dentist can define and treat oral issues properly. That’s why it is essential to visit a family dentist at least twice a year. Additionally, you shouldn’t delay a dental appointment if you already have some symptoms since it is much easier to treat the condition in the initial stages. 

The bottom line

If you want to have healthy teeth and gums, you need to maintain proper oral hygiene, follow a healthy diet, get rid of bad habits, and visit your dentist on a regular basis. Timely and proper treatment of oral issues can help prevent the development of severe symptoms and negative implications in the future. 


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Written by Amelia Grant

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