
5 Pro Tactics for Beginners to Instantly Chop Fruit Salad

Eating healthy is the priority of all people nowadays. After the pandemic hit us, we all are aware of the impact of having a better immune system. You cannot make your immune system healthy by intaking ready-made meals. It is best to consume homemade food items to keep yourself safe from diseases and viruses. But one thing you need to consider is that only taking healthy meals is not enough for your body. In addition to a healthy diet, you also need to make a routine of consuming healthy snacks.

Today the healthy snack we are talking about is fruit salad. Nothing is better than opting for fruit salad for a better diet routine. With the help of fruits can also satisfy your need for liquid intake. Do not make the mistake of eating ready-made salad from the saladette counter fridge. It is always better to make your meals and snacks at home. Besides, when you make food items at home, you can change the quantity and ingredients according to your liking. Making fruit salad at home is just a piece of cake. All you need is to cut your fruits and vegetables (if you like). After cutting, you can mix them and drizzle them with honey if you desire.

The main trick of making fruit salad is all about cutting and dicing the fruits. Many people struggle with the fine cutting of fruits and veggies. If you are one of those people who cannot finely cut their fruits, then this guide is for you. Read the below tactics that can help you professionally chop your fruits.

1. Use a sharp knife:

The first rule of cutting is all about the use of the instrument. Not using a quality knife can ruin all your items. So, a beneficial method of making the right cut is to determine the quality of the knife. You have to make sure the knife you are using is sharp. If the blade is not sharp-edges, your fruits can go mushy. Besides, your fruits chunks in the salad will look bad with uneven looks.

2. Remove all seeds before cutting:

The other mistake many people commit is not removing the seeds of fruits. The seeds can make your cut rough. That is why you need to prepare your fruits before you start cutting. Other than the skin, you also need to remove any stems, seeds, or pits in the fruit.

3. Cut fruits after peeling:

These fruits require peeling before cutting. So, for all those fruits, you have to peel them first and then try to cut them. You can save yourself some time if you peel all the fruits first and then cut them.

4. Keep your fingers downwards:

Another pro tactic of cutting the fruits lies in a simple technique. The firmer your fingers are, the more fin cut you will make. Try to keep your fingers firmly on the fruit and stay connected while making cuts.

5. Keep the point down: 

The last technique of cutting your fruits like a pro is about your knife position.  You can chop your fruits quickly by keeping the point of your knife down on the cutting board. This way, you can chop off all your fruits in a rhythm. Besides, choose a knife that can make you feel comfortable.


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Written by Eva Torsun

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