If you’re an adult thinking about getting your teeth straightened, you should know that there are various treatment options available to address a wide range of orthodontic difficulties. More individuals are seeking tooth straightening treatments than ever before, whether they had braces earlier in life, have lately noticed a shift in the location of their teeth, or have an overbite that is causing discomfort.
Adult teeth straightening options range from classic metal braces to transparent aligners, with alternatives based on the difficulties you’re trying to fix. Indeed, each option has advantages and disadvantages, and your dentist can help you make the best decision. In this article, we have gathered the five best ways to straighten teeth that you should know about.
1. Braces
There are three common types of braces – metal (traditional), ceramic and lingual. Metal brackets, wire, and elastic bands are used in traditional braces to shift teeth into their normal positions. While metal braces have a horrible image, they have evolved through time and are still a viable choice due to their effectiveness in resolving orthodontic difficulties.
Ceramic braces function similarly to metal braces, but the brackets are tooth-colored and hence less noticeable. Wires are composed of metal alloys, while brackets are made of ceramic or porcelain materials. Traditional braces are identical to lingual braces, except that the brackets are attached to the backs of the teeth rather than the fronts. Although they are less noticeable than traditional braces, not all orthodontists provide them.
2. Clear aligners
Because clear aligners are a less noticeable alternative to braces, they are one of the most popular treatment alternatives for young adults. Transparent aligners are constructed of a special plastic that is designed to fit your teeth and resembles clear retainers in appearance.
As the “original clear aligner system,” Invisalign continues to lead the market. Every two weeks, you’ll switch out your aligners. Your teeth will move and become more optimally aligned over time. During treatment, you need to wear the aligners for a total of 22 hours each day, removing them only to eat, drink, and clean your teeth.
3. Retainers
After you’ve finished treatment with traditional braces, you’ll most probably use a retainer. Adults who just require a little tooth correction may be able to get their desired outcomes using simply a retainer. The transparent retainer covers the whole arch of the mouth. It’s far less apparent than standard braces because of this.
In addition, compared to braces, this form of orthodontic equipment is substantially less costly. However, the number of scenarios in which this strategy might work is exceedingly restricted. You should seek a different option if you actually want to straighten your teeth without braces.
4. Dental bonding
Dentists can use dental bonding to fix crooked or unequal teeth. This procedure entails reshaping and sculpting a soft resin onto the teeth to fix gaps, as well as repairing damaged teeth and whitening your enamel. Bonding is a less common treatment option, but it stands out because of its low cost and virtually immediate outcomes.
Dental bonding is the application of a resin substance, similar to that used to fix cavities, to your smile to create minor, largely aesthetic modifications. Bonding is commonly used to fix unevenly shaped teeth, fill in gaps, and repair chipped or broken teeth. Because the procedure just takes an hour, you’ll only need to see your dentist once.
5. Dental veneers
Dental veneers are thin layers of porcelain or a comparable substance that cover the front of the teeth. These shells are color-matched to the natural teeth around the veneers. Furthermore, it needs one or two dental appointments for fitting and installation. You should maintain vigilance until they are entirely fitted. Additionally, you may need to replace veneers after some time.
Veneers are a type of cosmetic dentistry that does not really straighten your teeth. They are really thin shells that are put over the front of teeth to improve their size, shape, and color. Veneers are cosmetic since they are solely used for that purpose.
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