Hosting a website is like providing your website with a home of itself. Hosting a website is crucial so that you can access the files anytime you want. The thing is that many people that have websites do not know the proper process of choosing a webhost for their website. They often get confused and commit to the wrong thing. It is essential to gather all the information before you even think of a decision. Choosing a host requires taking care of various other things. Such things are the space, the uptime, the technologies, and the add-on services. Many sites offer windows hosting free of cost, but you have to decide if they cater to your requirement or not. These arrangements can overwhelm anyone, and that is why we have crafted a detailed guide on the process of hosting a website on a windows server.
Hosting a website on windows is easy as well as an interactive process. For hosting the website on windows, you need to have a local development server. Below is the list of applications that you need to install if you want to host your website.
WAMP server:
WAMP is the collective name of all the applications that you need to have on your computer.
Windows is the operating system in which you are hosting the website. It shows if the AMP applications are compatible with the windows are not.
It is the core program that hosts the website on the windows environment. It is one of the popular as well as the efficient applications that host static HTML pages.
MySQL is the database that will keep a record of your data and your web content.
PHP is the language that we use to write programs and applications. It is one of the widely used languages in the world.
Now that we have explained all the components essential for the hosting, so let’s move to the hosting process.
Install WAMP:
We already told you that it is crucial to have all the four components of WAMP if you want to host the website. You need to download the whole WAMP package to host the website. Download and install the latest version. Install the 32 or 64-bit application, depending on your operating system.
Navigate it:
When you install WAMP, it automatically creates a directory in the C drive, but you can change it afterward. You can also create subdirectories in the WAMP server. It will be better to add subdirectories as when you will store the pages, and they will be store in the subdirectories.
Configuring MySQL:
Open PHPMyAdmin and configure the database according to your application. The username and password will be roots, but you can change it. Customize the database according to your preference.
Publically visibility:
Now that you are complete with all the amendments, it is time to launch your website publically. To launch it, open the WAMP server and hit the Put Online icon. Know that only localhost can open your website.
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