Unlike other insurance providers, a broker works for you rather than working for a particular insurance company. Using their professional knowledge, experience and expertise in the field, they will help you to assess your insurance needs, shop for the best policy with the right coverage and also help you in case of a claim. Though you can always contact brokers on the phone, it is recommended to opt for a personal consultation so that you don’t overlook any detail and get answers to all your queries.
What Can You Expect from Brokers?
Savings – Many times, getting a quote online might seem complicated as you will find lots of options and taking the right decision can be a tough call. Also, you might find a cheap insurance but you wouldn’t know if it will provide the required coverage in times of need. A broker will ensure you get tremendous value from your auto insurance policy and will help you save money on rates. Brokers can get you the cheapest insurance quotes and also guide you on how to maximize insurance discounts. Brokers offer unbiased recommendations and can compare the coverage of different insurers to get you the best rates and conditions.
Selection – A broker knows about all the insurance products present in the market. No matter where you live in Alberta, you can expect your broker to help you with the best policies as per your individual needs. Also, if any material changes are necessary for your policy mid-term, such as change of address or the sale of an asset, your broker will advise on the revisions required in the policy.
Service – Your insurance broker works for you. They will advocate from your side when you need any assistance after an accident or during claims. With the right insurance broker, you can expect personalized service at all times. This includes explaining various premium rates, terms and other conditions or small print that you might not understand. Also, your broker will offer administrative follow-up for renewal reminders, certificates of insurance, etc. Most customers dread the time when they have to file a claim. Having a broker by your side will ensure a fair and speedy settlement from your insurance company.
Simplicity – It is your broker’s job to make your insurance process simple and easy. An insurance broker main function is to ensure you are insured properly and find the right insurance provider. Whether you are confused about which policy is right for you or need to a file a claim, they will make the entire process smooth and simple. Sometimes, you might not understand how to assess your needs. In such cases, a broker will perform the complete insurance valuation, obtain an inspection report and help you get the right auto insurance coverage.
One of the biggest advantages of hiring a broker is that they are always available to talk even after the purchase. They are well-established in their community and their primary business is insurance, making them an asset to customers. If you’re specifically looking to insure your car in Alberta, you can contact a broker who is licensed and has a certificate of Authority for assured results. Check if the broker is a member of the Alberta Insurance Council and follows the professional standards and guidelines for the right practices.
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